Story : Blog – Writing for the Internet
Story (to be assigned by individual labs on a per-semester basis)
You will cover a session from Mass Communication Week for Story 4 - Internet Writing. Your lab will determine which Mass Comm Week session you will cover.
The Mass Comm Week schedule can be found at
Post your story to the class blog. Include an appropriate headline. Since you are writing online, you should have a visual. This can be a photo or video that you produce. You must also include appropriate links in your text. Include a byline with your story and credit lines for any visuals.
This story should be about 300-600 words.
The story must have at least three sources. These sources should include at least one person making the presentation and at least one person from the audience. You must include complete identification for all sources and must include at least one quote from each person. You may use additional sources as well, but three is minimum.
You must include contact information for all sources, including an email and/or phone number. Include those in the textbox in TRACS/Assignments. You will also post the URL to your story in TRACS/assignments so your story can easily be located for grading. Failure to follow this instruction will result in a 5-point grade deduction.
For this story, it is acceptable to use mass comm sources, but friends or family are not acceptable sources for this story.
Submitting your story:
You will post your story to the class blog and then you MUST submit
the URL to your story via this TRACS assignment. To find your specific
URL for your story, open the blog, click on your headline and then copy
that specific URL.
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