Diverse Source Interview Exercise

When you return from the Diverse Sources campus interviews, post your interview information on your class blog. Use a format similar to this:

Add the photo of the source

Quotes collected by: Your name here
SOURCE: Name (full name. Take care to use correct spelling)
Identifying information about source: (example) Carolina Vera, Junior, age 20, from Eagle Pass, Texas, Student, biology major. Works part-time at University Bookstore
NOTE: Do not post additional demographic or personal identifying information, such as email or phone. 

Question 1: What effect has the downturn in the U.S. economy had on you?
"Personally hasn’t impacted me that much. It has made me more conscience money-wise."
Question 2: (if a student) Has the economic recession had an effect on your ability to pay for college?
(no response)
Question 3: Have you adjusted any spending habits since the economic downturn that began in the fall? If so, will you tell me about how you’ve adjusted.
"While the gas was high, I stopped traveling to Austin over the weekends. I walked to campus more often as well.”
Question 4: What do you think should be done to help people during these difficult financial times?
"I think college students should start saving money even if we don't have much to begin with. It is never too early to start saving. I don't think it's the government's job to bail us out of this problem."

NOTE: You must provide the source contact information in a file in TRACS. Please put the information in your drop box in a TEXT file.

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